Thursday 24 July 2014

Religion - The easy way out?

Religion...always the easy way out  to get what want "Legally"
This includes peace, war and terrorism.This make me weep for humanity.

When will people start telling the truth behind what they really want.

The strongest power in the world today is shining and sparkles in the sun or in the bloody waters of Africa.
Gold diamonds money and oil....the reason the world has been burning for 2000years.

Will this ever stop?Nope dont think so....Maybe when the wells run dry and all of Africa is destroyed maybe then the blaze might not. But being humans allow us to evolve and adapt to the situation.

Kill 1 resource will only allow another to surface. Pray to who you want but the fact is money will dictate who the biggest "god" is. Truth might be what we all want but what money paid for the truth that we belief in......scary evil but true!


Wednesday 23 July 2014

North Korea or Russia?

Looking for something? Just ask Google....right?
Its not that easy in North Korea and maybe sooner than you think in Russia.

Putin Putin Putin, Vladimir Putin, what are you trying to do?

USSR all over again......

Putin now want to censor block limit restrict or what ever the hell you want to call it to the Internet. Don't you have enough control already? Do you really not feel in control? Oh wait you don't actually have any.

Controlling "your part" of the internet won't give you more control it will actually blind you......idiotic,but thats just me. But seems like the american puppet or president as some call him will allow it....very sad.

You can't control what you don't own Putin. But what am I thinking you can't teach a communist to share and play nice.

Maybe I just opened up the nerve that will take me to the real cause.....


Tuesday 22 July 2014

Who's got the biggest Arrow?

05:00am Alarm! This is usually what it takes for most humans to wake up.
The same cannot be said about the European Union. All they need is the death of 295 people.

It seems like the EU might finally be smelling the coffee and waking up the the horror that happening not to far from their backyard. 

But is sanctions the way to GO?

The first set of sanctions just pissed the Russians off and had no real effect on the daily operations of the "motherland". Now the EU wants to start sanctions against this just another empty promise?

Can one really bite the hand that feeds you? That why I ask the question.....Who has the biggest ARROW?
Russia is the biggest natural gas supplier to the EU. And we all who how Europeans like their underfloor heating and gas BBQ.

Sanctions against Russia can cause the EU to crumble and fall. Will Captain America come to the rescue?I think not.

Find a better solution to the problem and don't bring a sword to a gunfight. WAKE UP....the root of all evil is to the West and not the EAST......


MH17 - West?North?South?East?

Where did the real terrorist threat come from?N,E,S,W?Russia wants you to believe that it was the West and the West wants us to believe that the East(Russia) did it!

Shifting the blame does not answer any questions....The world need to know who was responsible for the horrible attack on MH17.But will we ever REALLY know?

Putin needs to choose: Support Russia or support Russian rebels? You can't choose both....I'm sorry it doesn't work that way. Did you send the BUK M1 to shoot down the plane or did you give it to the rebels to do your work for you?...tell us......

If Putin decides to cut off his right hand and give all the blame to the rebels he might lose Ukraine for good or at least his foothold in the west...

On the other hand Putin might just keep its well trained rebels dogs and take sole responsibility for the attack and just pray that the west don't come in guns blazing.....Wait who am I kidding the West can't even pay its debt, how will they afford war?

The USA only attack when it is profitable for them!Democracy and humanity what a joke.

Lets see what easy way out the world will take to make another Malaysian plane disappear....Maybe then we can get to the root of all evil?
