Thursday 24 July 2014

Religion - The easy way out?

Religion...always the easy way out  to get what want "Legally"
This includes peace, war and terrorism.This make me weep for humanity.

When will people start telling the truth behind what they really want.

The strongest power in the world today is shining and sparkles in the sun or in the bloody waters of Africa.
Gold diamonds money and oil....the reason the world has been burning for 2000years.

Will this ever stop?Nope dont think so....Maybe when the wells run dry and all of Africa is destroyed maybe then the blaze might not. But being humans allow us to evolve and adapt to the situation.

Kill 1 resource will only allow another to surface. Pray to who you want but the fact is money will dictate who the biggest "god" is. Truth might be what we all want but what money paid for the truth that we belief in......scary evil but true!


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