Wednesday 23 July 2014

North Korea or Russia?

Looking for something? Just ask Google....right?
Its not that easy in North Korea and maybe sooner than you think in Russia.

Putin Putin Putin, Vladimir Putin, what are you trying to do?

USSR all over again......

Putin now want to censor block limit restrict or what ever the hell you want to call it to the Internet. Don't you have enough control already? Do you really not feel in control? Oh wait you don't actually have any.

Controlling "your part" of the internet won't give you more control it will actually blind you......idiotic,but thats just me. But seems like the american puppet or president as some call him will allow it....very sad.

You can't control what you don't own Putin. But what am I thinking you can't teach a communist to share and play nice.

Maybe I just opened up the nerve that will take me to the real cause.....


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